Tuesday, July 11, 2006

my second brother should be going overseas during September...

izzit he lucky...
he was looking for scholarship...
applied quite a few...
waited for MONTHS...
but couldnt get one...
then just last Friday...
my brother told me...
they sent him this letter tell him that the school will provide with the three years fees...
couldnt believe it...

but yeah...
finally gotten over it...
now gotta think of ways deal with the money that is needed for his stay at the hostel, food, blah
mum says that we'll have to survive on bread le...
then i told her "i'm fine with it ba"...
cuz can 减肥...

he say that he'll find a part-time job there...
i was wondering whether he'll find a caucasian girlfriend there too...

as long as he's happy can already...

and this means that i will have the house all by myself again for the second time....
since my brothers went NS....
cuz my eldest brother won't be home till next years' Feb...

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