Saturday, April 22, 2006

She's the MAN

read Shakespears' work - Twelveth Night?
enjoy watching Comedy?
now you can have both at the same time...
though its not really the literature kinda story...
and definitely not the same story as the book...
only some parts is extracted from the book ba...

i bet youngsters should go and watch...
not really now...
but the trailer is seriously funny enough...
cant wait for it to be aired in Singapore...

found this movie - She's the MAN..
but before you watch the movie...
i think its better if you know the characters...
cuz its kinda messy..

Amanda Bynes as Viola cum Sebastian
(if you know what i mean... Sebastian is actually her twin brother)

Channing Tatum as Duke

Laura Ramsey as Olivia

James Kirk as Sebastian

Robert Hoffman as Justin

Ales Breckenridge as Monique

Jonathan Sadowski as Paul

if you're interested in the story...
should visit this website...

enjoy k...

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